Youth Recreational Facilities Application Now Open
April 4, 2022
The 2021-23 Youth Recreational Facilities (YRF) grant application is now open. Please visit our website for access to supporting materials and the link to the ZoomGrants application.
These grants fund 25% of eligible capital costs up to $1,200,000 for nonresidential facilities that provide youth (K-12) with recreation opportunities integrated with social and/or educational services. All applications must be submitted electronically through ZoomGrants by 5:00pm on Thursday, May 26, 2022. Hardcopies are not accepted.
Commerce will host a free application workshop April 28 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am to meet with staff and help answer any and all of your questions. This will be conducted via Zoom, please register for the Workshop. These workshops are not mandatory, so if you cannot attend we would be happy to reach out to you one-on-one. ZOOM LINK
Please use this link to go to the YRF application on ZoomGrants . If you have a ZoomGrants account, log in and follow the instructions. If you are a new user, complete the required information for a new ZoomGrants account to create a profile. Please do not use “The” as the first word in the agency name. Once the agency profile is created, select the YRF Grant, and select the “Apply” button to start your proposal. Answers are automatically saved after each response.
Have questions?
Please review the program webpage for more information, and contact us if you have any questions by phone at (360) 725-3075 or by email at