Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Updates

2022 Legislative Session Recap

This was a crucial legislative session for the commission. I want to thank our legislative team and our stakeholders who helped support these key pieces of legislation:  

  • SB 5634: UTC regulatory fees increased for energy utilities with gross operating revenues above $50,000.

  • E2SHB 1812: EFSEC will soon separate from the UTC to become an independent state agency, effective July 1.

There were also several additional budget provisos to address digital equity, clean energy, renewable hydrogen, transportation resources, and wildfire insurance coverage. There is still much work to do to implement these bills and directives, be on the lookout for opportunities to engage in these proceedings.

Equity and Antiracism Update

Aligned with the Office of Equity’s pro-equity anti-racism approach, we are developing a 5-year antiracism and equity plan for the UTC. This work requires a commitment at all levels of the organization and we want to be transparent about our efforts. Here’s what we’ve done so far: 

  • Held equity listening sessions with our staff and stakeholders.

  • All UTC staff have completed training to address persistent racial disparities intentionally, explicitly, and comprehensively.

  • All UTC managers and executive leadership are participating in ongoing antiracism education and development.

We will be hosting listening sessions again this summer as we complete our agency equity assessment and look forward to hearing more from you about how we can address inequities and eliminate barriers to make the commission more accessible.

CHA Washington