Why are Safer Choice Products Important?

Safer Choice is a voluntary EPA program that certifies cleaning and other products made with ingredients that are safer for people, pets and the planet without sacrificing performance. Only products that meet EPA's stringent criteria earn the Safer Choice label.

Safer Choice incentivizes safer and greener chemistry by allowing companies to differentiate their products in the marketplace with the Safer Choice label. As a government certification, the EPA Safer Choice label signals rigor and impartiality. Find certified products wherever you shop or by using EPA's product finder: https://www.epa.gov/saferchoice/products.

Eighty-one percent of respondents to a survey conducted by EPA in 2020 said they were interested in using the Safer Choice label to inform their purchasing decisions once they understood the benefits of the label. The interest was even higher for parents (89%) and millennials (87%). Further, 37% percent of respondents said that they had seen the label on store shelves.

When you see the Safer Choice label on a product, it means that EPA's scientific review team has evaluated every single ingredient for potential human health and environmental effects. Safer Choice products do not contain known chemicals of potential concern, and even minor product components such as dyes and fragrances are reviewed for safety.

What are Safer Choice Products?


The Safer Choice program also reviews product performance, pH and packaging and requires companies to disclose all product ingredients so that you can be confident the product meets your standards. Once a product earns the Safer Choice label, EPA conducts annual audits to ensure their standards continue to be met.

For more information about Safer Choice, visit: https://www.epa.gov/saferchoice

Why Does It Matter?


Physical Health Impact

Safer Choice-certified products / products with the Safer Choice label / look for the Safer Choice label to find products that

  • Are made with safer ingredients for your family.

  • Are a safer choice for your family.

  • [Disclose all ingredients, have had every ingredient reviewed by EPA scientists] so you don't have to worry about what you're putting near your baby.

  • Contain fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them better for indoor air quality and your family.

Environmental Impact

Before a product can carry the EPA Safer Choice label, EPA scientists confirm all ingredients are safer for fish and aquatic life and/or break down quickly in the environment. In addition, at least 25% of the product packaging must meet one or more sustainability criteria detailed in the Safer Choice Standard and cannot contain intentionally added heavy metals, BPA or phthalates.


Safer Choice-certified products must pass category-specific performance standards as defined in the Safer Choice Standard and perform comparably to conventional products.

Safer Choice-certified products / products with the Safer Choice label / look for the Safer Choice label to find products that

  • Work well.

  • Get the job done.

  • Perform.

  • Meet strict performance standards.

  • Perform comparably to conventional products.

  • Meet [must pass] category-specific performance testing standards.

  • Can help you clean your home and reduce your environmental impact.

What Can I Do About It?


Shop smarter

Whether you’re buying cleaners or the ingredients to make them, check what you already have at

home. If you buy only what you need, you won’t have to store extra products. In addition to helping

the environment, this can save you money. If you no longer need a product, check your local

garbage service, call 1-800-RECYCLE, or visit 1800recycle.wa.gov for safe disposal options.

Shop Safer

Don’t buy products with the signal words Danger or Poison.

Try to avoid products with the words Warning or Caution.

Choose safer products with third-party certifications like these:

Use Cleaners Safely

Protect your loved ones by cleaning when they’re out of the room. Carefully read and follow the directions on all your cleaners before you use them. Be aware of the hazards associated with the product and follow recommended precautions. After using cleaning products, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

About The Project

This grant will fund a collaborative project between CHA and the Washington State Department of Ecology, aimed at uplifting Hispanic/Latino community members and local convenience stores in central Washington. Our goal is to encourage the supply, demand, and use of safer choice products through an engaging marketing campaign and on-site technical assistance.

The proposed project will improve human health and the environment in underserved communities by reducing the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals for Hispanic/Latino communities in central Washington. We are excited and look forward to continue to collaborate with community, non-profits, state agencies and the EPA as we move towards a healthier and more environmentally friendly future.


About our partner


Adult immigrants are a vital part of many Lower Yakima Valley communities. They continue to be under-served and in dire need of access to basic educational resources. Due to this inequity, adult immigrants struggle to integrate fully into our communities.

The biggest challenge faced by both immigrants and other community members is the former’s varying levels of proficiency in reading, writing and speaking the English language as well as their lack of knowledge about health, their children’s education, and available services for their family. Within this broad under-served community, women are the least supported members; but what they learn can have the greatest positive effect on their overall family’s education and well-being.

To counter this inequity, Nuestra Casa assists in removing some of the immediate barriers and provides services to address these issues. Adult English Classes (ESL) and Citizenship Classes are our core programs. Additionally, they offer courses and workshops on financial literacy, leadership, justice, Spanish literacy, and health literacy. They also promote civic engagement by immigrants through a variety of special programs. Complete integration of all community members is essential to Lower Yakima Valley’s ability to thrive in the future.

Nuestra Casa programs in Sunnyside serve immigrants from these Lower Yakima Valley communities:  Grandview, Granger, Mabton, Outlook, Sunnyside, Toppenish, and Zillah. Programs in Prosser and Sunnyside serve immigrants that live in Benton City, Pasco, and Prosser.



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