Stormwater Pollution Prevention Best Management Practices Ordinance
Kitsap County Public Works is hosting a public meeting for a proposed stormwater pollution prevention Best Management Practices ordinance. The Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26 from 6-7 p.m. on Zoom. Register online at
Kitsap County is mandated to create a program that requires businesses and sites to take measures to stop pollution before it enters the stormwater system. This is mandated by Department of Ecology’s Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.
The proposed ordinance addresses this mandate by requiring businesses and sites to implement Best Management Practices. This is to prevent or reduce pollutants from entering the stormwater system and prevent water contamination. These practices could be operational or structural. Examples include good housekeeping, preventing spills, or industry specific practices. All pollution generating businesses operating within unincorporated Kitsap County will be required to follow the ordinance.
About the Proposed Ordinance
The following proposed ordinance would go into effect August 1, 2022.
Kitsap County Code Title 12 Stormwater Drainage
Chapter 12.20.XX Source of existing development
All pollution generating sources associated with existing land uses and activities, as defined in Appendix 8 of the 2019 Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, must implement applicable operational source control BMPs as specified in the Ecology Manual in order to prevent pollutants from entering the County’s stormwater drainage system. Should applicable operational source control BMPs fail to prevent illicit discharges or allow violations of surface, groundwater, or sediment management standards, applicable structural source control BMPs or applicable treatment BMPs shall be implemented. In cases where the manual(s) lack guidance for a specific source of pollutants, the County shall work with the owner/operator to implement or adapt BMPs based on the best professional judgement of the County.