Announcing Our EPA Pollution Prevention Grant Selection!

CHA & Ecology are EPA Grantees! 

Olympia, October 12, 2023- We are thrilled to share some fantastic news— The Commission on Hispanic Affairs (CHA) and the WA Department of Ecology has been awarded a  Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)!

This is the first year of this new grant, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and specifically focusing on implementing P2 approaches to help improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities. 

This accomplishment is a testament to our commitment to environmental sustainability and a cleaner future for all. The EPA's Pollution Prevention Grants are highly competitive, CHA and Ecology were selected for our proposed efforts to reduce pollution and our dedication to environmental stewardship. This grant will enable us to take our sustainability initiatives to new heights and further our mission of responsible, eco-friendly business practices.

CHA Washington