Contracts Connection 3-21-22


DES revises procedure

Effective April 1, DES will adopt a revised sole source policy procedure to provide more clarity and, consistency for vendors, the public and state agencies.

Find the procedure and related documents on our Current Enterprise Procurement Policies webpage.

Updated documents include:

The updated procedure includes new requirements for posting information online and in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) and clarifying definitions and frequently asked questions, including criteria DES considers when making a decision on sole source filings.

The sole source procedure was last modified in 2019. DES has heard from agencies, vendors and partners, including the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises and the Department of Veterans Affairs, about parts of the guidelines that could be clearer and more transparent. DES also sought detailed feedback from its Procurement Customer Advisory Group (PCAG).

Going forward, DES expects to review the Sole Source Policy, including evaluating its alignment with the Washington State Disparity Study, before its sunset date of April 3, 2024. DES will seek broad stakeholder feedback during the policy review.

For questions, contact DES Sole Source Oversight Administrator Brooke Jensen, 360-790-8256, or any member of the DES Enterprise Policy Team.

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CHA Washington