Auburn Farmers Market - Sunday, June 13

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Auburn Farmers Market
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Join us at the Auburn Farmers Market at Les Gove Park. With approval from King County Public Health, the Auburn Farmers Market will be open Sundays June through September 19, with farm fresh produce, fresh cut flowers, meat, cheese, honey, coffee beans, handmade masks, soap vendors, prepared food to go, and more!

Sundays, June - September 19 | 10 am - 3 pm
Les Gove Park | 1140 Auburn Way S 

In response to COVID-19, Farmers Markets across the nation continue to maintain modifications to keep customers, vendors, staff, and volunteers safe. Please stay home if you are sick. 

Following is a list of some of the changes:

Plan ahead for shopping

Customers are being encouraged to plan ahead and bring a shopping list for the Market. Click the link below for a list of vendors and products that will be at the Market on Sunday, June 13

June 13 Vendor List

Mask Up

City staff are required to wear masks. The Market encourages customers and vendors to wear a mask as well.

Market Layout  - Go with the flow

The Market site is still at Les Gove Park, just off of 12th Street, slightly east from where it’s been pre-covid.

There is just one entrance and exit to the Market. Vendor stalls are spaced six feet apart and markings on the ground indicate six feet from each vendor booth to help guide physical distancing requirements. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and exit along with a hand washing station at the Market Informational Booth.


The Market will continue to accept EBT and will be matching those EBT funds with SNAP Market Match. The EBT booth will be near the entrance of the Market for customers using EBT to get their tokens and then shop.

For full details and other frequently asked questions related to the revised Market operations, please visit

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