New "Roadmap to Recovery" dashboard now live; All regions to remain in phase 1 for now

For immediate release: January 22, 2021  (21-018)

Contact: Ginny Streeter, Communications, 360-810-1628

OLYMPIA –Today, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced that based on Governor Jay Inslee’s Roadmap to Recovery phased reopening plan, all eight (8) regions in Washington will remain in Phase 1 until at least Monday, February 1, 2021.

DOH, in partnership with Microsoft AI for Health, has launched the new Roadmap to Recovery dashboard that provides a detailed overview of the metrics used for measuring regional progress. The metrics and corresponding thresholds help determine if it is safe for a region to enter into a new phase of reopening. The four metrics presented in the dashboard include:

  • Trend in 14-day rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100k population

  • Trend in 14-day rate of new COVID-19 hospital admissions per 100k population

  • Average 7-day percent occupancy of ICU staffed beds

  • 7-day percent positive of COVID-19 tests

DOH will reassess the metrics for all eight (8) regions each week and announce any changes to current phase status every Friday.

The new Roadmap to Recovery dashboard will replace the original dashboard on, but both are still publicly visible.

The launch of this key dashboard underscores the importance of public-private partnership and DOH appreciates the work of the Microsoft team in this endeavor.


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