Police Chief Candidates in Yakima Thursday and Friday
March 19, 2019
Five candidates for the Yakima police chief position will be in Yakima this Thursday, March 21st and Friday, March 22nd to participate in a series of interviews and two “Meet & Greet” sessions – one with Yakima Police Department (YPD) staff and one with community members.
The names of the five applicants in the interview pool will be released on Thursday. A total of 23 people applied for the chief position. With the assistance of a search firm specializing in law enforcement recruitments, City Manager Cliff Moore narrowed the field to the applicants that have been invited to Yakima for interviews.
“The five candidates that have been invited to the first round of interviews have a broad range of law enforcement experience and have served in a variety of positions throughout their careers,” said Moore. “I’m confident that each is a strong candidate and could serve well as the next Yakima police chief.”
On March 22nd from 5:30 to 7:30, the candidates will participate in a “Meet & Greet” with the public in the south foyer of the Yakima Convention Center.
The Yakima police chief oversees a department that includes about 190 total employees with a budget for over $30 million.