WAISN Resource Finder

The WAISN Resource Finder, a community-driven database of vetted resources for immigrant and refugee communities in Washington State, goes beyond simply listing available services. It bridges the gap between resource providers and community members by educating providers on cultural sensitivities, language needs, and the specific requirements of undocumented individuals

The WAISN Deportation Defense Hotline

The WAISN Deportation Defense Hotline (the “Hotline”) is the only statewide hotline exclusively dedicated to serving immigrants and refugees, particularly undocumented immigrants, in the state of Washington. The Hotline is WAISN’s ear on the ground, a two-way line of communication between WAISN and Washington’s immigrant community that serves as the foundation for WAISN’s priorities, initiatives, and immigrant justice work. 

If you need to report immigration activity, please call the Deportation Defense Hotline at 1-844-724-3737.