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Guided Pathways:
Redesigning College to Increase Equity in Persistence and Completion Rates

June 10, 2021 @ 9:00-10:30 A.M.

This session will explore the impact of Guided Pathways as a whole-college reform strategy to increase persistence and completion rates for students of color at community and technical colleges. The Guided Pathways model is supported by research that shows that scaling discrete interventions will not be sufficient to improve student success overall or close equity gaps; rather, colleges need to redesign programs, student services, information systems, and business process at scale—with a goal of enabling all students to better explore, choose, plan, and complete a program of study that enables them to advance in the labor market and further education. 

The session will feature a presentation from the Community College Research Center (CCRC) that will provide an overview of the research and latest findings. Attendees are encouraged to read the policy brief, Investing in Student Success at Community Colleges: Lessons from Research on Guided Pathways from CCRC in advance. 

This event is free and space is limited, so register now!

Keynote Speaker:

Davis Jenkins, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scholar at the Community College Research Center

Davis Jenkins is a senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center and Research Professor in Education and Social Policy Analysis at Columbia University’s Teachers College. He works with colleges, schools, community groups and employers in communities and states across the country to find ways to improve educational and employment outcomes for students from groups that have been poorly served by the U.S. educational system.

Following the presentation, a panel of students, faculty, and college leadership will offer perspectives on the implementation of Guided Pathways in Washington.


  • Sierra Bray, Student & Guided Pathways Fellow

  • Maggie Harada, Faculty & Co-Lead of Guided Pathways at Bellevue College

  • Allison Kang, Faculty & Co-Lead of Guided Pathways at Bellevue College

  • Jade Kanui Roque, Student & Guided Pathways Fellow

  • Tomás Ybarra, Executive Vice President at Yakima Valley College

Pave the Way Virtual to Take a Summer Hiatus

After a long and challenging year, we hope everyone is able to take some time this summer to relax and reset. In that spirit, Pave the Way will take a break in July and August to plan for next year, and we will see you again in the fall with a renewed dedication to our shared mission of increasing educational attainment for all students. 

To learn more about Pave the Way, register for upcoming sessions, or view recordings of previous webinars in the series, visit:

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CHA Washington