Latino Leadership Network Updates!

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Start your new year with togetherness

A key inroad to achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace is when we take time to learn about other cultures and share about ourselves. To support cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, the Latino Leadership Network is offering a listening session on New Year traditions.

On Thursday, January 7, use this link to join a Zoom gathering from noon to 1 p.m., for a fun and informative discussion on the various ways different communities mark the start of the year. Share how your family recognizes the new year and how the tradition was started. Do you have a story about your favorite New Year’s Eve? We’d love to hear it! All LLN members, friends, and allies are welcome.

LLN welcomes newcomers on executive committee

The Latino Leadership Network has established a process for electing officers to its executive board that calls for annual elections in June. Until that time, LLN’s active members have decided the executive committee will be led by Chair Abby Chavez (Treasurer’s Office), Co-chair Rubi Reaume (Department of Retirement Systems), Treasurer Martha Arana (Department of Social and Health Services), and Executive Secretary Ernesto Carcamo (Labor and Industries).

“I would like to thank humbly and profusely our past officers for their incredible dedication, commitment, and investment of both state and personal time,” said LLN Executive Sponsor Lourdes E. Alvarado-Ramos, Director of the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs. “And a big thank you to the committee chairs, members and those of you expressing an interest in furthering LLN’s goals.” 

Nominations for 2021-2022 board positions will open in April for the June election. In addition, LLN is seeking active members to support the group and serve on its committees.

“We are a big family that spans the entire state so we need all hands on deck to ensure a fair distribution of the important work that results in the improvement of the quality of life of Latinos and our allies in state government,” said Alvarado-Ramos.

DSHS Career Spotlight: Information Technology Project Manager

As an Information Technology Project Manager with the Department of Social and Health Services, you'll serve IT Infrastructure Services, which provide high-quality technology infrastructure and application solutions. Your broad experience will help guide you in leading others in accomplishing many key initiatives. See the job ad for more information 

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction posted a new opportunity for an Educational Technology Director

The Department of Enterprise Services has an open positions for a Truck Driver 1

The state Office of Financial Management is seeking to fill the following positions:

New job postings at Department of Health can be found on the DOH Jobs page 


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