Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Joint Information Center

Recap of Today’s COVID-19 News and Updates

Statewide Response Updates

Newest numbers. The state of Washington reported 535 new COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours. This brings the total number of cases to 37,941, as of July 7 at 11:59 p.m. The total number of deaths are at 1,394.

For the most recent tally of cases by county, demographics, and more, visit the Department of Health's dashboard and the state’s COVID-19 risk assessment dashboard.

Long-term care facility data. State health officials report as of June 6, a total of 4,724 COVID-19 cases (13% of total cases) and 820 deaths (60% of total deaths) have been associated with a long-term care facility (i.e,. nursing home, assisted living facility or adult family home).

  • These cases include residents as well as employees and visitors.

  • Not all cases were exposed at a long-term care facility.

  • Many cases visited multiple places during their exposure periods; some individuals may have visited a long-term care facility after disease onset.

Inslee COVID-19 proclamations for open public meetings, health care facilities, Developmental Disabilities Administration. Gov. Jay Inslee issued a new proclamation and extended two others related to COVID-19 response.

The Open Public Meetings Act extension suspends certain statutes in the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act involving time frames for responding to requests because of physical building closures due to COVID-19. It also lets public agencies in Phase 3 offer an in-person component to meetings that are held remotely, at their discretion.

The DOH health care facilities and hand sanitizer extension waives DOH health care facility licensing requirements and loosens restrictions on hand sanitizer manufacturing.

The DSHS Developmental Disabilities Administration Assessments and Reviews proclamation waives and suspends some legal provisions regarding in-person reviews and on-site assessments during statutory timelines.

Read the full press release here.

Inslee extends Safe Start proclamation; outlines additional face coverings guidance. Yesterday evening Gov. Inslee formally issued the extension of the Safe Start proclamation until Aug. 6. In addition of the statewide requirement to wear face coverings inside businesses, it also requires employers to notify their local health jurisdictions within a 24 hour period if they suspect COVID-19 is spreading in their workplace, or if the employer is aware of two or more employees to develop confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within a 14-day period.

The Safe Start Recovery plan was also updated to provide clarification for restaurants and taverns in phases 2 and 3, which prohibit bar-style seating and live music and resumes self-service buffets. Read the full press release here.


Washington 211 COVID-19 call center is a general information line related to COVID-19. If you need information or have a general question, call 1-800-525-0127 or text 211-211 for help. You can also text the word “Coronavirus” to 211-211 to receive information and updates on your phone wherever you are. You will receive links to the latest information on COVID-19, including county-level updates, and resources for families, businesses, students, and more.

Washington Listens helps people manage stress and anxiety they may be experiencing because of COVID-19. If you or anyone you know is having difficulties managing stress, call the Washington Listens support line at 1-833-681-0211. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. TTY and language access services are available by using 7-1-1 or their preferred method. Resources and self-help tips are available on walistens.org.

Face coverings: your questions, answered. Washingtonians must wear face coverings in all public spaces, and may be refused service at businesses if they don’t wear one. The state Department of Health and the state Joint Information Center are continuing to provide updated information, FAQs and resources about the state’s face covering requirements. The state’s coronavirus response website outlines requirements for employers, guides for businesses, details on who may be exempt and answers to common questions.  Visit coronarvirus.wa.gov/masks and www.doh.wa.gov/masks

Want to help? Join the Washington Mask Challenge. The Lt. Governor’s office has partnered with the United Ways of the Pacific Northwest and Serve Washington to organize a statewide homemade mask-making initiative to encourage the general public to make, wear, and donate cloth masks. Visit www.wamaskchallenge.org for information.

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CHA Washington