Wipes and cleaning products affect performance at Manchester Treatment Plant

(Manchester, WA) – Kitsap County’s Manchester Wastewater Treatment Plant has experienced a decrease in performance, which may be related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Microscopic exams of the wastewater show unusual pollutants including cotton fibers and polymers that may come from disinfectant wipes or cleaning products. This could be from an increase of cleaning wipe use in general and wipes being flushed. Some pollutants may be from water dumped after cleaning with wipes or other disinfectants.

The Manchester Treatment Plant has consistently been recognized for Outstanding Performance by the Washington State Department of Ecology for 24 years in a row. It is the only wastewater treatment plant in Washington to receive this designation each year since the award’s inception. The Sewer Utility asks our customers to help us keep this record by practicing good habits at home.

Please be mindful of what goes down the drain. Don’t flush sanitizing wipes and avoid using the toilet to dispose of harsh cleaning products. Toilet paper is the ONLY product that is safe to flush. Wipes, even those marketed as flushable, can cause clogs in your plumbing and in sewer and septic systems.

The Sewer Utility Division operates four sewage treatment plants (Manchester, Kingston, Suquamish, and Central Kitsap) and maintains 58 pump stations, 148 miles of gravity pipe, 37 miles of force mains and 3,775 manholes in Kitsap County. It is our goal to protect public health and the environment while providing cost effective service for our customers.

Contact: Chris Sheridan, csheridan@co.kitsap.wa.us, 360-337-5768

CHA Washington