Funding opportunity:

Contract with L&I to provide outreach to small businesses and nonprofits

Contract program description

The Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) oversees worker safety and health, workers’ compensation insurance, wage and hour requirements, construction-related licensing and registration, and other worker and consumer protection laws. Despite regular employer training, outreach events, and other efforts to educate Washington employers about workplace requirements, many employers aren’t aware of their L&I-related responsibilities.


L&I seeks to contract with multiple organizations interested in supporting small businesses and nonprofits (those with 50 or fewer employees) by educating them about L&I requirements and services, and how to comply with requirements.


Contract period and funding amounts

L&I has $1,000,000 to distribute between multiple employer-trusted organizations beginning in January 2020. Funds provided will range from $5,000 to more than $100,000, based on the anticipated success of each contract in achieving program goals. All contracted activities and deliverables must be completed by June 30, 2021.


Contract eligibility

Eligible organizations include:


·       Business and industry associations

·       Nonprofit associations

·       Chambers of commerce

·       Business assistance providers

·       Minority and other community-based organizations

·       For-profit businesses

·       Educators

·       Other employer-trusted groups who have positive relationships with a subset of Washington employers


Organizations must be formally organized with state and federal identification numbers, and must be current on all regulatory and tax responsibilities.

Request for Proposals

L&I expects to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) in early December 2019, with proposals due in early January 2020.

To automatically receive notice of the RFP release, register in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution system (WEBS), an internet-based portal, under Commodity Code 962-58, Professional Services (Not Otherwise Classified). If your organization isn’t already registered in WEBS, you can register at any time at


Instructions for submitting proposals, including the submission email address, will be provided through WEBS.


Expected proposal requirements

1.      The RFP will describe what proposals are to include.  Though the RFP is still in process, expected requirements include:

·       Information about your organization (no more than three pages).

·       A narrative about your proposal (no more than five pages), including:

o   Information about the employer audience you intend to target, the relationship between your organization and the audience, and details about how you intend to successfully engage the audience;

o   Performance data you plan to track; and

o   How you will evaluate success.


2.      Because of outreach fund requirements, all contracted activities and deliverables need to be completed by June 30, 2021. The impact of your activities, however, can extend beyond that date.


Developing your proposal

Proposals should reflect L&I’s program goals and objectives. L&I’s overall goal for this program is to significantly increase the number of employers that know about L&I requirements and understand how to use the many tools and resources available to help them comply.

Through the efforts of our partnering contractors, objectives are to:

·       Develop innovative ways to reach small businesses and nonprofits that are not easily reached due to geography, language or cultural barriers, lack of connection to business and industry associations, or other reasons, to improve awareness of L&I requirements and services.

·       Develop new L&I partnerships with organizations statewide that serve the employer community, and help these organizations serve as ongoing resources to provide information and compliance assistance.

·       Foster increased collaboration and trust between L&I, employer-supporting groups, and business and nonprofit communities.

·       Increase employer use of L&I’s many tools, resources, and services provided to help them comply with requirements effectively and efficiently.

L&I’s interest is in establishing contracted partners that can create and deliver a program that measurably impacts the goals listed above, using the most effective delivery methods for reaching the intended employer audience.  Delivery can include one-on-one meetings, presentations, trainings, mailings, mobile phone apps, social media, or other innovative, non-conventional methods.  Proposals can include entirely independent delivery, or collaborative delivery with L&I staff and/or resources. 


L&I is particularly interested in programs related to the topics below, but will consider programs with a narrower focus.

·       Worker safety and health requirements and Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) consultation services and  resources;

·       Workers’ compensation insurance payment requirements, injury claims basics, and return-to-work programs;

·       Wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, equal pay, paid sick leave and other leave laws, youth* and agriculture*-related employment;

·       Basic requirements for construction contractors.*


*if applicable to the target audience


L&I reference materials that may be helpful in developing your program:

·       Employer’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation Insurance (F101-002-000)

·       Employer’s Return-to-Work Guide (F200-003-000)

·       Independent Contractor Guide (F101-063-000)

·       Wage and Hour Questions Employers Often Ask (F700-150-000)

·       Teens at Work: Facts for Employers, Parents and Teens (F700-022-000)

·       Guide to Workplace Safety and Health (F416-132-000)

·       Consultation Services (F417-209-000)

·       Construction Contractors: Steps for Success (F625-115-000)


What to expect if you are awarded a contract

Contracted partners will be expected to create a program and deliver it to their targeted audience. How contracted partners deliver their program is open for proposal. All contracted activities and deliverables must be completed by June 30, 2021.


In addition, contracted partners must:

·       Participate in L&I training on employer requirements and resources. At least five hours and potentially more training will be required, based on the contractor’s experience, knowledge, and proposed program.

·       Submit materials and/or products to L&I for review and approval to ensure accuracy. This includes printed literature, form letters or emails, web content, PowerPoint or other presentations, scripts, and other items targeting employers. (While L&I may require content changes for accuracy, the department recognizes the value of the contractor’s voice toward effectively reaching the intended audience and doesn’t intend to edit for style.)

·       Provide quarterly progress reports during the contract period.

WEBS and state contracting assistance is available!

·       WEBS Customer Service support:


·       Free assistance with creating proposals, budgeting projects, and contract language and requirements: Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)




If you have questions about this funding opportunity and/or the application process, contact:


Celia Nightingale


CHA Washington